
amy butler quilt 2

I hate it when I finish a big project (spending lots of time and money on it) and I don't love it. That's how I feel about this quilt. I don't love the quilting (which I paid someone else to do), I don't love how all the prints together seem pretty crazy. I do love the back, the binding, and several of the fabrics on their own. Oh well. That's how it goes, right? Maybe I'll put it up for sale in my shop. What do you think? Honestly.

backing (above)

oh yeah

I'm so happy that I've finished most of my unfinished quilts! This last one needs a bunch of strips sewn together and then needs to be quilted and bound. I'm so excited to start something new! (I might not be able to wait until this one is done.)


solid strip quilt done!

I finished binding another quilt! Like the last quilt I posted, this one was quilted by a machine quilter who charges very reasonable prices. It came to me in the mail near Thanksgiving and I was able to put the binding on last week.

I think this might be my favorite quilt ever (the quilt I made for my bed is a close second.) I've also been finding all these cool, new quilt blogs with great ideas so I'm thinking I'll start something new soon.