Wow - I cannot believe it is almost Thanksgiving! That means Christmas is just around the corner! It seems to go so fast once school starts. Halloween comes right away and then Thanksgiving and Christmas just speed by.
Since it is the holiday season, and my grocery store seems to have gone crazy trying to display the most holiday foods possible - I caved and picked up some nuts for the kids to crack. I got to use this pretty little Pyrex bowl a friend gave me (a set of 2 - with 1 smaller one). The kids seem to like the walnuts better than the hazelnuts and almonds, so I got them some more. The other day I walked into the kitchen to see them hammering them with a meat tenderizer and trying to squeeze them open with a lemon juicer. Hopefully from now on they'll just use the nutcracker.

And onto some sewing. I made this
lined drawstring bag for my friend
Angela. You may remember me mentioning something about a fabric diet and that if I bought fabric before I made 5 quilts, I would have to make her something. Well - I didn't get my 5 quilts done before I bought fabric, so this is what I made her. I love the scrappiness - I may have to make one for myself :)

A couple of bee blocks for Amber - in
la beeda loca

A secret bee block . . . (thanks so much to colleen for the fabrics!)
Colleen - la beeda loca. This one was hard. I will not be making a circle quilt ever.
Jen -
Bee Tweet. I love these blocks and I would love to make a similar quilt.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
p.s. I've recently become addicted to instagram photos. If you're on there - look me up at leedledeedle. I'll try to get some photos together soon for a post.